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How To Choose The Right Race Distance

Let's diving into one of the most important aspects of running: choosing the right race distance!

7 Essentials Strength Exercises Every Runners Needs

Boost your running performance with these essentials strength training exercises. From barbell squats to kettlebell deadlifts, these moves enhance speed, endurance, and form.

Stop Runner’s Knee Before It Starts: Must-Do Exercises

Learn some straightforward exercises you can incorporate into your weekly routine to help prevent runner’s knee from taking you out of the game

Spotting Cheaters on Strava: A Runner's Guide

Learn how to spot and prevent cheating on Strava by identifying signs like inconsistent pacing, unrealistic times, and GPS errors.

Strava Jockey: The New Trend of Runners Paying for Fake Workouts!

Beyond the “If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen” mentality. Discover how some Strava users are gaming the system by hiring others to complete their runs, and what this means for the integrity of fitness tracking.

6 Elite Runners Habits You Can Start Today

I dive deep into the training secrets of champions like Kilian Jornet, the Ingebrigtsen brothers, Courtney Dauwalter, Dean Karnazes, Des Linden, and Shalane Flanagan.

6 Life Lessons I Learned From Running

These six key lessons apply both on the track and in life—perfect for runners at any level. Ready to be inspired? Let’s dive in!

5 Must-Know Rules for a Sustainable Running Diet

Tired of boring salads and bland meals? You’re not alone. The good news is, a healthy running diet doesn’t have to be a tasteless chore.

How to Start Running Again After Taking a Break

Taking a break from running is something we all face at one point or another. The real challenge? Getting back into the groove safely and effectively.

5 Easy Ways to Make Running a Habit

I know how challenging it can be to make running a regular part of your life, and I believe these 5 tips can make a big difference.